grass was damp but it all felt so good that I wished we could stay
there all night, but he had to get back to his girlfriend.
22 and my ex is 23. He was my childhood sweetheart and we had a thing
going when we were both still at school. We broke up when we were 17 and
lost contact for a few years.
both went on to other relationships but were free when we met up again
last year. It was brilliant to see him and soon we were meeting up
regularly to have sex. It felt like I knew him so well there was no need
to talk about where it was going or what would come next.
broke up with her a week later and then we just picked up where we’d
left off, sleeping together at weekends, going for days trips and nights
on the town. It’s obvious we still have feelings for each other.
just that I don’t really know what I want and neither does he. If we
were ever to be together again it couldn’t be for a long while as there
would be major complications with his ex and the friendship circle where
we live. Everyone here knows everyone else and there would be a lot of
bad feeling around.
Do you think it’s stupid to get back together or is there a chance for us?
There’s a definitely a chance for you if that’s what you both want, regardless of what other people might think.
But what do you want? Are you in love with this man or in love with the past? Is he just taking what’s offered to him?
sneaking around and decide. If you really want a full-time, full-on
love then don’t buy excuses, don’t sell yourself short. Start to believe
that you deserve more than a half-hearted love.
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