Los Angeles (CNN) -- Michael Jackson died while preparing to set a world record for the most successful concert run ever, but he unknowingly set another record that led to his death.
Jackson may be the only
human ever to go two months without REM -- Rapid Eye Movement -- sleep,
which is vital to keep the brain and body alive. The 60 nights of
propofol infusions Dr. Conrad Murray said he gave Jackson to treat his
insomnia is something a sleep expert says no one had ever undergone.
Propofol disrupts the
normal sleep cycle and offers no REM sleep, yet it leaves a patient
feeling refreshed as if they had experienced genuine sleep, according to
Dr. Charles Czeisler, a Harvard Medical School sleep expert testifying
at the wrongful death trial of concert promoter AEG LIve.
If the singer had not
died on June 25, 2009, of an overdose of the surgical anesthetic, the
lack of REM sleep may have soon taken his life anyway, according to an
opinion by Czeisler.
Lab rats die after five
weeks of getting no REM sleep, he said. It was never tried on a human
until Dr. Murray gave Michael Jackson nightly propofol infusions for two
Czeisler -- who serves as
a sleep consultant to NASA, the CIA and the Rolling Stones -- testified
Thursday that the "drug induced coma" induced by propofol leaves a
patient with the same refreshed feeling of a good sleep, but without the
benefits that genuine sleep delivers in repairing brain cells and the
"It would be like eating
some sort of cellulose pellets instead of dinner," he said. "Your
stomach would be full and you would not be hungry, but it would be zero
calories and not fulfill any of your nutrition needs."
Depriving someone of REM
sleep for a long period of time makes them paranoid, anxiety-filled,
depressed, unable to learn, distracted, and sloppy, Czeisler testified.
They lose their balance and appetite, while their physical reflexes get
10 times slower and their emotional responses 10 times stronger, he
Those symptoms are
strikingly similar to descriptions of Jackson in his last weeks as
described in e-mails from show producers and testimony by witnesses in
the trial.
Jackson's mother and
children are suing AEG Live, contending the company is liable in his
death because it hired, retained or supervised Dr. Murray, who was
convicted of involuntary manslaughter. They argue the promoter pressured
Dr. Murray to get Jackson to rehearsals, while failing to get Jackson
help despite numerous red flags warning that he was in trouble.
AEG Live lawyers contend
it was Jackson who chose, hired and supervised Murray and their
executives had no way of knowing about the dangerous propofol treatments
administered in the privacy of Jackson's rented mansion.
A very long question
Czeisler is back on the
witness stand Friday to answer a question that was asked just as court
ended Thursday. Jackson lawyer Michael Koskoff asked his expert what may
also be a record breaker in a trial -- a 15-minute-long hypothetical
He was asked to render
an opinion based on a long list of circumstances presented so far in the
trial about Jackson's condition and behavior, including:
-- That Murray administered propofol to Jackson 60 consecutive nights before June 22, 2009.
-- That Murray began to wean Jackson from propofol on June 22, 2009, and gave him none of the drug on June 23.
-- That a paramedic who tried to revive him the day he died initially assumed he was a hospice patient.
-- That show producers reported Jackson became progressively thinner, paranoid and was talking to himself in his final weeks.
-- That the production
manager warned Jackson had deteriorated over eight weeks, was "a basket
case" who he feared might hurt himself on stage and could not do the
multiple 360 spins that he was known for.
-- That show director
Kenny Ortega wrote Jackson was having trouble "grasping the work" at
rehearsals" and needed psychiatric help.
-- That Jackson needed a teleprompter to remember the words to songs he had sung many times before over several decades.
-- That show workers reported the singer was talking to himself and repeatedly saying that "God is talking to me."
-- That Jackson was suffering severe chills on a summer day in Los Angeles and his skin was cold as ice to the touch.
AEG Live lawyers
objected to the question because the information about Murray's nightly
propofol treatments was derived only from the doctor's statement to
police after Jackson's death. The judge previously ruled that statement
was inadmissible. It was a ruling made earlier in the trial when Jackson
lawyers objected to AEG's use of Murray's statement that he believed he
was Jackson's employee, not AEG Live's.
The statement could be
used if Murray, who is serving a prison term, is brought into testify.
But that is unlikely since the doctor has said he would impose his
constitutional protections against self-incrimination as long as the
appeal of his conviction is pending.
Jackson lawyers could clear the way for use of the statement by withdrawing their objection, something they are now considering.
Koskoff told the judge
that his expert would testify that Jackson's symptoms perfectly matched
what he would expect from someone who had been given long-term propofol
The jury is likely to hear his answer Friday.
A lecture on sleep
Jurors appeared quite
interested as Czeisler lectured them Thursday on his sleep research,
including an explanation of circadian rhythm -- the internal clock in
the brain that controls the timing of when we sleep and wake and the
timing of the release of hormones
"That's why we sleep at night and are awake in the day," he said.
Your brain needs sleep to repair and maintain its neurons every night, he said.
Blood cells cycle out every few weeks, but brain cells are for a lifetime, he said.
"Like a computer, the
brain has to go offline to maintain cells that we keep for life, since
we don't make more," he said. "Sleep is the repair and maintenance of
the brain cells."
An adult should get 7-8 hours of sleep each night to allow for enough sleep cycles, he said.
You "prune out"
unimportant neuron connections and consolidate important ones during
your "slow eyed sleep" each night, he said. Those connections -- which
is the information you have acquired during the day -- are consolidated
by the REM sleep cycle. Your eyes actually dart back and forth rapidly
during REM sleep.
"In REM, we are
integrating the memories that we have stored during slow eyed sleep,
integrating memories with previous life experiences." he said. "We are
able to make sense of things that we may not have understood while
Learning and memory
happen when you are asleep, he said. A laboratory mouse rehearses a path
through a maze to get to a piece of cheese while asleep.
A basketball player's
area of the brain that is used to shoot a ball will have much greater
slow eyed sleep period since there is more for it to store, he said.
They shoot better after sleep.
The Portland
Trailblazers consulted with him after they lost a series of East Coast
basketball games, he said. He was able to give their players strategies
for being sharper when traveling across time zones.
He's worked with the
Rolling Stones on their sleep problems, he said. Musicians are
vulnerable since they are traveling across time zones and usually "all
keyed up" to perform at night, he said.
Czeisler developed a
program for NASA to help astronauts deal with sleep issues in orbit,
where they have a sunrise and sunset every 90 minutes.
Other clients include
major industries that are concerned about night shift workers falling
asleep on the job, the CIA, Secret Service and the U.S. Air Force, he
Jackson lawyers argue
that AEG Live should have consulted a sleep expert like Czeisler for
Jackson instead of hiring Murray -- a cardiologist -- for $150,000 to
treat the artist.
The trial ends its eighth week in a Los Angeles courtroom Friday. Lawyers estimate the case will conclude in early August.
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