Saturday, 17 August 2013

Workers who face sack for taking toilet break start wearing NAPPIES

WORKERS have started wearing nappies to avoid facing the sack for nipping off for a quick toilet break.

workers, nappies, toilet break, odd newsWorkers claim they are wearing nappies to avoid popping to the loo
Trade unions in Honduras, South America, claim staff at a safety harness factory are being bullied by bosses, with workers now taking the drastic step to avoid getting on their wrong side.
Former employee at Korean-owned Kyungshin Lear, Maria Galeano, said: "It's embarrassing to say you wear diapers."
“It's embarrassing to say you wear diapers”
Former employee Maria Galeano
The company has denied the claims, saying: "The allegations are false and reckless."
And Daniel Facusse, of the Honduran Manufacturers Association, said: "This is a falsehood by workers manipulated by the interference of unions in the US, who want to regain jobs lost in the country."

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